1. I think I have officially turned Tyler into a live music aficionado. Last night, he told me that he had only been to one concert before he met me. Tonight, we are going to our second one this week! Last Friday, we saw Zac Brown Band at Crew Stadium. It was so much fun! It was perfect fall weather and the performance was great. Tonight, we are going to see Brad Paisley and The Band Perry at Nationwide Arena. We just decided to get tickets last night after we found some affordable ones on StubHub and discovered that Scott McCreery is the opening act. For those of you who don’t know, Scotty McCreery was the winner of American Idol in 2011… And Tyler’s mom thinks that he is THE MAN. So, we decided to buy four tickets and take Mike and Jo to see him! While she’s swooning over the 19 year old, I will have my googly eyes set on B-Pais (Yes, I did just make up that nickname. Yes, I do think it’s going to catch on!).
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2. Back to concerts… I just found out that Aerosmith is coming to Columbus in November. My stepdad bought me tickets to see them for my sweet sixteen and it was so much fun. So, I have no choice. It’s now my mission to talk Tyler into buying me tickets for my birthday this year.
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3. Two of the cutest little boys that I’ve ever babysat for were blessed with a baby brother this week! I can’t wait to meet little Camden. :)
4. I picked up my football tickets today on my lunch break... And M*ch*gan still sucks.

5. My mom and her best friend, also known as my surrogate auntie, are leaving for Florida tomorrow. I am super jealous, but looking forward to receiving lots of pictures from the beach and hearing lots of pants-peeing-level hilarious stories when they get back. Have a safe trip, ladies!
Have a great weekend! Be sure to link up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk if you write a #H54F post!
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