Wednesday, August 22, 2012, was our third anniversary; it was also the first day of my senior year at The Ohio State University. An active member of the OSU community, not to mention an all-around busy bee, I didn't have a free night for us to celebrate. Tyler offered to plan something for us to do on Labor Day, September 3.
He mentioned a couple of times during the days leading up to Labor Day Weekend that he was thinking we could take a walk and catch up. While it seemed a little odd, I just thought it was his way of being romantical (this is my favorite made up word).
He picked me up around 1:00 pm, we drove back to his house on Lane Avenue and started hoofin' it from there. We walked down Lane Avenue, headed south on High Street and hung a Ralphy on Woodruff. I was so confused as to where we were going... I tried really hard not to whine, but it was raining and I was getting so sweaty.
Tyler said he wanted to walk around the Ohio Stadium and see if anyone was there to take our picture, because we don't have any picture of the two of us there. This didn't seem suspicious, because I knew he was right and it did seem weird that we didn't have memories captured at such an important landmark at our (soon to be) alma mater.
However, I always have to throw a wrench in everyone's plans. I asked if we could head to The Oval. I reminded him about the tradition of "The Long Walk," which says that couples who walk from the west end (the Thompson Library statue) to the east end (the Ohio State seal) of The Oval holding hands, without letting go, will get married and live happily ever after. So, we took a little detour. We didn't let go!

As we walked away from The Oval, we chitchatted about friends of ours that recently got engaged, fantasy football and classes. As we approached the north end of the Shoe, Tyler kept stalling. He kept looking into the closed gates. I could not understand what he was trying to do, so I kept walking ahead of him, asking him why he was being weird.
The first thing I noticed as I approached the rotunda was a large group of people. I thought to myself, "It's raining! What are these freaks doing?"
A few more steps, and I realized I know all of these freaks! Our parents and Tyler's siblings were all there. Another step... and I can read the signs.

I turn around and he's down on one knee...

And I said yes! But not before I asked, "is this real!?" multiple times.

Then, I cried my ugliest cry. Seriously, it puts Kim Kardashian to shame!

And it's official! We're engaged!

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